August 7th, 2015
We have just about a month left until our 32nd Annual Luncheon, where we will celebrate the success of Dollar Energy Fund and the community leaders, utility partners and businesses that have shown unwavering dedication to our clients over the past year. Doors will open at 11 a.m. and the program will begin at noon at the Lexus Club at CONSOL Energy Center.
You still have about three weeks to register! We ask that you please RSVP by Monday, Aug. 31, 2015. You can do so online. Individual tickets for the event cost $50, and you can now use the registration page to choose pre-paid parking for $5 per spot.
Parking for the Annual Luncheon will be available in the South Lot, which is directly across from the Trib Total Media Gate at CONSOL Energy Center. Since this lot is used for daily commuter parking and space may be limited, we highly recommend pre-paid parking.
We don’t want to give away all of the event’s fun details – but we can tell you that we’ll offer a silent auction with sports memorabilia and tickets, event tickets, food and drink baskets, many restaurant and activity gift cards and much more.
If you haven’t already, mark your calendar, register for the event and check the website regularly for updates. We hope to see you there!
Your contribution directly supports an individual or family facing a utility crisis.
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