April 6th, 2015
Save the date! The Dollar Energy Fund Golf Classic will be held on Friday, June 26, 2015, beginning at 8 a.m., at Quicksilver Golf Club.
The day includes breakfast, lunch, golf, beverages, prizes, a silent auction and more.
Individual golf registration will be $175 and foursomes can participate for $700. Don’t golf? No problem! Join us with a lunch-only registration for $40. You can register today, view sponorship opportunities and find additional information at www.dollarenergy.org/golf.
We hope you can join us for another great day of golf as we raise fund for families in need of utility assistance. All proceeds from the event will be used to help local, limited-income families maintatin or restore basic utility services.
For additional information, contact Michelle Haudrich at 412-390-3876 or by email at mhaudrich@dollarenergy.org.
Your contribution directly supports an individual or family facing a utility crisis.
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