
Spotlight: Dollar Energy Fund in Arkansas

July 20th, 2015

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As you know, Dollar Energy Fund administers hardship programs in 11 states. In recent years, we expanded to Arkansas, where it’s more likely that we help to provide cooling assistance than heating assistance. No matter where Dollar Energy Fund is, we’re partnering with community agencies and utility companies to provide necessary aid to those struggling to restore or maintain safe utilities.

Today, we’re going to highlight the Arkansas program for any of our readers in Arkansas, or simply anyone who is curious about the way we administer funds in different states.

The Arkansas Utility Assistance Program includes Hardship Programs administered by Dollar Energy Fund and assists eligible utility customers with their SWEPCO and Entergy utility bills. Customers may be eligible to receive a grant that’s applied directly to their utility bill. Our program is a fund of last resort because it goes above and beyond what is available through federal, state and other programs. Dollar Energy Fund’s Arkansas Utility Assistance Program provides grants to qualified utility customers on a first come, first serve basis while funding is available.

The Arkansas Program is open October through September and applicants can only receive one grant per utility, per program year. To receive a grant, the total gross household income for Entergy customers must be at or below 125% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines, while the total gross household income for SWEPCO customers must be at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines.

So far this year, the Arkansas Utility Assistance Program has received more than 2,600 grant applications and has administered at total of $319,865 to families and individuals in need. The average grant amount in Arkansas this year is $120, and funds still remain for both Swepco and Entergy customers.

If you’re an Arkansas resident looking for financial assistance with your utility bills, visit for more information.

If you would like to donate to Dollar Energy Fund to help us help those in need, please visit You can choose to contribute to general funds or families in Arkansas if you’d like.

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