August 4th, 2015
Do you, or does someone you know, live in California? If you’re battling the heat, good news! As our funding season winds down (we will offer our highest capacity of funding again on opening day, October 1, 2015), we still have funds available to help our California neighbors in need.
The Cal Water Cares Hardship Program, which is administered by Dollar Energy Fund, assists eligible utility customers with their California Water Service Company bills. Customers may be eligible to receive a grant that’s applied directly to their utility bill. The program provides grants to qualified utility customers on a first come, first serve basis while funding is available.
The Cal Program is open October 1 through September 30 for services that are off or in threat of termination. Grants are dispersed on a first-come first-serve basis to eligible applicants and are based on funding availability.
So far this year, the Cal Water Cares Hardship Program has received more than 100 grant applications and has administered at total of $18,546 to families and individuals in need. The average grant amount in California this year is $180.
Those applying for grants must prove a sincere effort of payment, and must have an outstanding balance on their Cal Water bill of at least $100. If you’re curious about your eligibility, visit our website to calculate your income and determine whether you may be eligible to apply for a grant.
If you’re a California resident looking for financial assistance with your utility bills, visit for more information.
If you would like to donate to Dollar Energy Fund to help us help those in need, please visit You can choose to contribute to general funds or families in California if you’d like.
Your contribution directly supports an individual or family facing a utility crisis.
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