April 28th, 2016
Dollar Energy Fund will be participating in The Pittsburgh Foundation’s 2016 Day of Giving, which will be held on Tuesday, May 3, from 8:00 a.m. to midnight. Please visit our profile page on www.pittsburghgives.org to make your contribution.
Every donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar by Duquesne Light. By giving to Dollar Energy Fund on the Day of Giving, you are maximizing your donation dollars and helping more local families. All Day of Giving contributions, up to $45,000, will receive this additional dollar-for-dollar match from Duquesne Light.
100% of all donations and matching funds will be used to support your neighbors in need. Through our unique arrangement with our utility partners, we are able to direct all charitable contributions towards providing assistance grants through our Hardship Program. No organizational operating expenses are paid through donated funds.
All donations will be used to help families in your community who are customers of Duquesne Light. We believe in neighbors helping neighbors. Your donation will be designated for distribution in your area, allowing you to be a neighborhood hero for those struggling to afford basic electric utility services.
The Foundation will be providing funds as incentive prizes for participating organizations. Dollar Energy Fund is hoping to secure some of these funds, but we need your help! There is a prize for twitter mentions on the Day of Giving and we are asking everyone to play along, either by creating a new tweet or retweeting one of ours, especially during the 10 a.m. hour, and include the hashtag #16DOG and mention @DollarEnergyFnd for it to count.
Additional incentive prizes will be awarded for most donors throughout the day, most new donors, most unique zip codes of donors, and more, so any donation made, no matter how large or small, can result in additional funding for Dollar Energy Fund and the limited-income customers of Duquesne Light.
We hope we can count on your support to make the Day of Giving a success for Dollar Energy Fund!
Your contribution directly supports an individual or family facing a utility crisis.
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