September 14th, 2015
It’s back to work for us after a great 2015 Annual Luncheon held Friday, Sept. 11, 2015. We gathered with approximately 170 guests to honor and celebrate our utility partners, employees, community organizations and all who worked hard this year to bring Dollar Energy Fund’s mission to life.
The day started when more than a dozen Dollar Energy Fund employees headed to the CONSOL Energy Center Lexus Club to set up the silent auction and ticket auction, unload boxes of giveaways and ensure that audio and visual, as well as food, needs were well-handled. Guests started to arrive around 11 a.m., then found their tables, talked with friends and placed bids. They enjoyed a filling lunch while Martin Jordanhazy, the president of Dollar Energy Fund’s Board of Directors, welcomed everyone and shared opening remarks.
Afterward, Chad Quinn, Dollar Energy Fund CEO, shared a video about Dollar Energy Fund’s work and a video encouraging attendees to support the 2016 Cool Down for Warmth.
Speaker Al Condeluci provided the keynote address. He discussed the concept of social capital and the importance of creating and maintaining relationships – something that’s particularly important in our work at Dollar Energy Fund.
After lunch, Dollar Energy Fund presented the Betty Ann Simon Award, which goes to one individual each year who has made significant contributions to the low-income community. This year, Bishop David Zubik received and accepted the award. Dollar Energy Fund also granted five Golden Eagle Awards to community partners and friends who have “soared above and beyond” in their efforts to help the limited-income community this year. Stay tuned for a post dedicated to our winners later.
At the end of the event, we closed the auctions and announced the winners of the ticket auction. Many people took home beautiful silent auction items; the proceeds for which will help the local limited-income community stay warm this winter.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the event. Consider joining us for this year’s Warm Your Hearth, Touch a Heart campaign kick-off reception on Tuesday, November 10 for more fundraising, food and fun.
Your contribution directly supports an individual or family facing a utility crisis.
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