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Omaha Public Power District’s Customer Assistance Program

The OPPD Customer Assistance Program (CAP) is a pilot program designed to provide financial assistance in the form of a monthly bill credit for households within the 13-county OPPD service area. The program will reduce a customer’s electric burden to a more affordable level as long as the customer makes on-time payment. Program guidelines and eligibility requirements are subject to change.

CAP Pilot has an enrollment maximum of 3,000 and the website will be updated accordingly once enrollment reaches that level.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicant must be an OPPD customer and current on their bill.

Customer must pay their bill monthly to participate in the program.

Customer must recertify eligibility for the program annually.

Any change in household size or income must be reported within 10 business days.

Total gross household income must be at or below 100% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines.

Use our Income Calculator to find out if your gross (before tax) income is within the range of eligibility for the program. Household income should be calculated using the before tax amount for all household members, including minors. Minor income includes child support, SS, and DPA cash assistance, but does not include wages.

Household Size100% Monthly100% Yearly
Each add’l add$458$5,500

Required Documentation

  • Photo ID (i.e. state issued ID card, state issued driver’s license, passport, etc.)
  • Income verification for the last 30 days
  • Copy of OPPD bill



Eligible customers may be able to complete portions of their application through Dollar Energy Fund’s online MyApp portal.


The OPPD CAP Pilot partners with a network of Community Based Organizations. These dedicated agencies provide application intake services for clients to receive Energy Assistance Program funds. Find an agency in your area with Dollar Energy Fund’s Agency Finder. You can also call the automated system at 1-888-650-9132, which provides agencies based on zip code.


Apply by calling 888-282-6816.

How To Apply


Eligible customers may be able to complete portions of their application through Dollar Energy Fund’s online MyApp portal.


The OPPD CAP Pilot partners with a network of Community Based Organizations. These dedicated agencies provide application intake services for clients to receive Energy Assistance Program funds. Find an agency in your area with Dollar Energy Fund’s Agency Finder. You can also call the automated system at 1-888-650-9132, which provides agencies based on zip code.


Apply by calling 888-282-6816.